Sunday, June 28, 2009
How To Build Backlinks via Google Alerts
How To Build Backlinks via Google Alerts
By Titus Hoskins (c) 2008
Building backlinks is an essential, yet tedious job for most webmasters. Here are a few tools and tips to make that job just a little bit easier...
I am a member of many online forums. Most of these forums have to do with online marketing and site promotion. Recently, I came across a post on Ken Evoy's SBI forum that truly caught my attention.
It basically described how to use Google Alerts to build your backlinks. Now for those not familiar with Google Alerts a little explanation is probably needed.
Google Alerts
Google Alerts is a free program run by Google that allows you to keep track of any topic on the web. You select your "keywords" or "urls" and Google will alert you via email whenever links/ content containing your selected topics appear anywhere on the web.
It is an excellent way to keep informed about your domain or name. It is also perfect for keeping up-to-date on the latest information in your market niche or niches. It's also a great way to find out what other people are saying about you or your site.
For example: if you have a site on "antique cars" then you would create a Google Alert for those keywords. Google will alert you by email whenever a new link/content related to those keywords appears on the web.
This is a great way to stay informed in your niche, but it is also a valuable source of potential linking partners. Many of those links are blogs that will allow comments with a link back to your site.
Google Alerts will probably send you 10-20 links each day, depending on the popularity of your chosen keywords. Just go to these blogs/links and see if you can leave a comment with some valuable additional information on what's been discussed.
Don't Spam
Please Note: Don't spam; there are intelligent people behind most of these blogs, and they will recognize keyword spam when they see it. Your main goal should be getting targeted traffíc back to your site and any link PR should be secondary. Always put the reader or viewer first, especially if it's on someone else's site. Don't talk about your site or your marketing - just join the conversation and add your comments/opinions/suggestions...
Enhance their site and they will reward you with traffic and a link. But you still have to keep your interests in the equation! You have to make sure you get your targeted keywords in the anchor text.
Keyword Market
First, if you've done your homework, your main keywords should already be in your domain name or url. Another way is to add your "keywords" + "guide" to your sig or signature. Such as: Name, Your Antique Cars Guide. If you're an expert in your particular niche, many webmasters will kindly welcome your comments and links.
Since your main goal is the traffic, many webmasters don't worry if there is a "no follow" attribute attached to the link. But if you are concerned about this - one way is to look at the source code to see if it has the "no follow" tag. I usually copy the whole source code of the page to my text editor and then do a simple "no follow" search.
No Follow
There is also a great little free comment tool called "Comment Kahuna" co-created by Jason Potash which will search blogs and tell you if they have the "no-follow" attribute or not, it will also give you the PageRank of each blog post. If you're going to use blogs as a source of your backlinks, I suggest you try SEnuke - it will make the task much easier and there's a free 7 days trial.
To get Comment Kahuna go to:
Actually, while the "no-follow" issue may be a concern for some webmasters, the savvy ones will realize these are links/sites Google is actively indexing and spidering, otherwise you wouldn't get the alert in the first place. You must get your links into this whole mix of related, relevant sites to help raise your rankings. Also remember the other search engines may not even consider the "no-follow" tag.
Likewise, creating trackbacks are another way of linking relevant content. Keep in mind, a trackback is simply an acknowledgement via a ping signal that is sent from Site A (originator) to Site B (receptor). Then the receptor often places a link back to Site A showing its worthiness.
Again, I am mainly concerned with the quality of the blog or link, rather than the linking structure. I want the targeted traffíc, and it doesn't really matter whether the link has "no follow" because interested visitors only see a link they can click for other helpful information.
Other Linking Options
Since we are on the topic of link building, another useful way to build backlinks is to use Google Search or Google Blog search. Now if you're looking for niche-related blogs just type in:
"(Keywords)" "powered by (blog scripts)"
For example, if you're looking for some "antique cars" related links on WordPress blogs, you would search for:
"antique cars" "powered by wordpress"
And Google would give you a whole líst of sites on antique cars.
Now if you want to find the links that will allow comments, just repeat the Google search with:
"antique cars" "powered by wordpress" "leave a comment" -"no comments"
Remember the "-" means posts that have no comments will not be displayed.
If you're concerned with PageRank, Number of Backlinks, Alexa Ranking... of particular posts you can download and install the SEOQuake plugin. This handy SEO plugin can be attached to your browser and will give you helpful SEO information on the link or links you're viewing.
Used in conjunction with Google, it can sort thru all these blog posts and give you the ones with the highest PR? Highest traffic? Highest number of backlinks? The more knowledge you have, the easier and more effective your link building will become.
Just remember, finding quality backlinks is probably the most tedious job for most webmasters. It takes time and it takes patience. By using Google Alerts you can have relevant keyword related links emailed to you each day. Use this information to help build your backlinks in relevant related niches. Do this consistently over a period of time and your site will get noticed and ranked higher.
About The Author
The author is a full-time online marketer who has numerous websites. For the latest web marketing tools try: Marketing Tools. Everyone is profiting from Google, find out how you can too! Google Cash File
Copyright (c) 2008 Titus Hoskins. This article may be freely distributed if this resource box stays attached.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
CPA offers are becoming the biggest, most talked about subject right now
I normally only bring quality products to your attention if they're ClickBank related. I'm going to break from tradition to tell you about CPA Arbitrage. This smartly written guide is about CPA marketing (CPA stands for cost-per-action). Basically it's like affiliating Clickbank products but different in that you are getting paid for every action or lead you generate rather than every sale you generate.
A lead might consist of getting somebody to enter their zip code or email address or more complete information like address, phone, income and education levels, etc. From experience, I can tell you that leads/actions convert at a much higher rate than product sales. It's not uncommon to have over 10% conversion rates for leads where, as we all know, sales tend to be far, far less.
A couple years ago I affiliated a CPA offer that paid me $1.35 per action. Doesn't sound like much, right? But all users had to do is enter their zip code. It doesn't take much to get somebody to enter a zip code. Off this one single offer I generated $5,000 in under two months. My conversion rate was over 20%. Easiest money I've ever made online. Unfortunately, the offer was for a limited time only, but off this single offer I have no doubt I could have earned six-figures a year. My point: there is real money to be made with CPA.
CPA Arbitrage is a turnkey system and it's easy to get going. I thought I had CPA expertise, but this guy is the master. Even if you're busy with ClickBank marketing, this is still a great guide to invest in from a knowledge point of view. Affiliate marketers are knowledge workers. The more knowledge you have in your head, the more money you make. Furthermore, it's good to diversify your online money making a little in case one niche is to lose revenue, which happens. I personally do Clickbank, CPA and a couple other things to keep my online business well diversified.
Check it out here>>>
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Thursday, June 11, 2009
The Affiliate Marketing Diaries
The purpose of this report is to make you aware about avoiding mistakes that are killing Internet marketers� success before it even starts. After reading this, you�ll be clear on the biggest challenges existing for someone who�s trying to understand how to build a lucrative Internet enterprise in 2009. With a bit of luck, it will make clear to you and direct you to the path of considerable profits. Welcome to the land of Delusion and Perplexity?Most new Internet marketers seem to be adrift� Overwhelmed... Don�t know where to start or what they should be doing from one day to the next. Are you in the same boat; experiencing the same thing? If you are, keep reading because this report will be your �lighthouse� in these rough waters of confusion � and will save you from �drowning�.And here�s where it gets really nasty � information starts to contradict information. Each course is promoted as the �missing link� or the �missing piece of the puzzle�. Yet the truth is, it just makes you aware that you�re missing even more pieces. So your mission for the holy grail continues and you keep getting more courses, which lead to more information to soak up and before you know it you are in the "overload" mad house!It�s not uncommon for a newbie or intermediate marketer to waste YEARS in the �information overload zone�. One of the secrets to getting out of the "information overload zone" is to balance the learning with action. At the start you ought to spend 50% of your time learning and 50% of your time taking action right away on the things you just learned. As you move forward, your learning time should reduce slowly as you become more self-confident and take more action.The Inability To Know What WorksThe difficulty when you�re starting out is knowing what�s good. How can you know what works? The answer is: YOU CAN�T. And there begins the expensive, painful progression of trial and error. Here�s how it more often than not goes� Let's say you buy 5 courses and 1 is first-class. And you used up $2500. That means, you threw away $2000 acquiring �crap information�.Here�s the true �cost�� You perhaps spent 25 hours on each course to learn the information. That means you�ve wasted 100 hours of your time. That�s 100 precious business building hours that are gone forever.The other problem is, you have a lot of �worthless junk� floating around in your brain. Now here�s a tip� Until you get GOOD at what you're doing, it's just darn difficult to tell the difference between what's �junk� and what's �really good stuff�. This is a vicious cycle that leads to chaos and dissatisfaction?Be OpportunisticMost Internet marketers today are spinning in the �make money quick� groove! Nothing wrong with that at all, but the catch is, opportunities come and go. The perfect case in point is when you become a "Glutton for punishment" where you fall for the con artist selling their "push-a button" - Build-100-sites - Make-$10,000-a-month-with-adsense or whatever... To crack this you need to be a smart marketer building REAL businesses that will make you successful.You should have a business-building mindset. The big winners online are the people who recognize how to twist an opening into a business. Most importantly, you must stop �reacting� and start creating. Learning how to concentrate on the crucial business building factors is a necessary step to being successful on the Internet.The Lack of a Comprehensive A to Z Internet Marketing Business Building CourseThis is one of the biggest reasons why most Internet marketers fail. PERIOD. Let me just say this� There are several Internet marketing gurus that I respect. I think they are exceptional at what they do and they have created extremely valuable products that have the power to increase your profits dramatically. The problem is, most of these great programs only benefit the intermediate to advanced marketer who already knows what�s going on.Here's a quick teaser for you. Will a vehicle's engine start if you disconnect the spark plug? No. Just think of that... 1 tiny piece can prevent all the hundreds of other parts from doing their job if it's not in position. That�s the same thing with Internet marketing.And there�s a reason why no one is giving you all the pieces of the puzzle. The reason is� They want to be seen as �1 trick ponies�. They learn from other �gurus� that they should specialize in 1 thing. So, 1 guy/gal is the �Adwords boss�, the next is the �Traffic Dude�, the next is �The Product Launch Wizard�, the next is the �SEO Master� and so on�The dirty secret the gurus aren�t telling you is: They are pretty damn good at just about ALL OF IT. But, their belief in �specialization� prevents them from telling you this. That's bloody evil - especially when they band together in a "circle of friends" and JV each other's products.Go check the full product review of SEnuke -Search Engine Optimization Software
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