At long last, your site is up on the internet. And you have a great product on offer To say you have a brilliant sales page would be an understatement. All the links function, and it looks great on every browser. And so far, you aren't making any sales. And you ask yourself "Why Oh Why, has no one bought my red-hot gizmo?" I'll tell you why. Maybe it's because they do not know about it being presented on your site?
What are you going to do now?
You must do something to get some traffic...please understand, you must get people beating down your front page demanding your product. Hungry buyers must visit your web page or they never will ever get the chance to buy from you.
There are many effective forms of traffic generation, but each of them has to be managed in the right way if they are to be profitable.
One high quality traffic source is that of ezine promotion. Ezines are niche online newsletters that are emailed to subscribers on a frequent basis. The critical idea here is to be clear in your mind to place your advert in an online publication that commands the type of reader that would usually be disposed to purchase or be interested in knowing about your offer.
Directly after said targeted sources of traffic, are lots of sources where untargeted traffic can be found. These embrace exit traffic, pop-up or pop-under traffic, and redirected traffic. Without going into particulars on the variety sources of these forms of traffic, you'll understand when I say this is generally speaking untargeted traffic. It should be noted here that, it is usually both low-cost and is linked with a very low response rate. Non-specific sources of traffic are better managed by incorporating a "landing page" that could possibly develop a spark of interest in you, or your product, or web site. This Landing Page then lures your visitors to click thru to your web page.
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