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Your Life is NOT about working for other people!!! 2 hours from now you can have a cash generating business set up which needs almost no ongoing work.

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Sam D. Mann

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Click Fraud Is Without Question Destructive To The Entire Network Of Adwords

Are You Living The Life That You've Always Dreamt Of? You Can Get This Automatic Money-Maker Within 3 Minutes!


For Some People, The Result Is Always The Same.... Failure! You feel great about owning an awesome product and learning something useful. But you never find the time to implement it. Somewhere between your day job and your family life, you realize that you can't afford to put in the long hours of hard work required by most of these techniques. And you give up. You become a part of the 95% that fail to make any money online.

So How Do The Other 5% Succeed....
In a nutshell - they work smart! They know quick, easy and zero/low cost ways to make money online. Techniques that can be implemented in under 30 minutes. And yet earn them massive sums of money every day. These are techniques that no one talks about. Everyone guards them like a precious treasure.

This group of people know that, in Internet Marketing, earnings do not depend on how many hours of work you put in. They know that it's not about hard work, but all about smart thinking...

This One Works - Maverick Money Makers - Make Money Online Fast!

Maverick Money Makers is a membership site, meaning it has a continuing monthly subscription fee of $97. For many who are simply dabbling in the Internet as hobbyists Maverick Money Makers is not for them.

So for those who are simply searching for the "next fad" to try, this is not it. This wealth-creation club is for those that want to earn cash online fast, and who need the education to make that happen for real.

The heart of this money-making club is a sequence of high quality training videos and for the get-right-into-it kinda people. Mack Michaels can start off a bit slow but after he gets going he is incredibly lucid in both his onscreen pointers and communication about crucial money-making details. People new to Internet marketing will like his clarity.

The videos themselves are better than the streaming videos you see on the internet. These are large, clear and effortless to watch - a rare commodity these days.

It helps even more that these are clear because many of the videos last anywhere from 15 minutes to over an hour. No one can say that Mack under-delivers when it comes to great content. You get the impression he actually does want you to do well, and is trying hard to pass on his extensive expertise about internet marketing, whereas at the same time trying to simplify it for those new to Internet marketing, imparting vital details for more sophisticated users. There are plans to put in extra videos to every one of these club areas each month, and the titles and skills are intriguing, especially the "Millionaire Systems" videos planned for the near future.

I must point out here that two of the club areas dedicated to wealth creation are not purely video content - you have to do some reading.

Mack and his team of experts have put together over 100 specific starter topics for you to use as "thought generators" for marketing successfully in profitable niches from the start. He calls this - "Brilliant Niche Marketing Ideas."

But then, they take it a step further in the "Turnkey Products to Sell" section.

Here, can link up to over 100 blue clickable links of immediately downloadable zip files that include wide-ranging starter marketing campaign resources: PLR articles in 9 different languages, in Word, text, and HTML formats, affiliate programs for each topic areas, and even LSI keyword research for each topic.

For those who are not yet acquainted with LSI - "latent semantic indexing," it is simply the naturally-occurring keywords associated with a main keyword.

The crucial thing to note at this point is that all of the heavy lifting has been done for you already. But there is still heaps of flexibility in each of these areas to do your own thing with it. This negates the drawbacks of many cookie-cutter campaigns offered by most sites, where every member runs the exact same campaign.

Mack gives you the crucial pieces, and it is up to you to give it your own personality and direction along with the other tools and instruction he provides.

There is a large mixture of information to be had here, not all of it is fresh or exclusive, but few sites have pulled it together as well as Mack. With most membership sites you still have to go play hide-n-seek with Google to find the missing pieces to make your strategies work successfully.

Mack Michaels does contribute quite a bit of hard-to-find mid- and advanced level tips and tricks to help your marketing shift into high gear. For eg., nearly all Gurus direct you not to use Google Adwords Content Network, but Mack shows clearly how to benefit from the variety and lower (CPC), Cost per Click, it offers.

Some of the techniques needs a cash outlay to put into operation. But, these are offset with the low and no-cash "Quick Money Blueprints." If you need to, then start slowly by investing more time than capital. Then move up as you make some revenue, Mack also provides a path for you

The largest part of the information is presented in video form and it takes a little while to consume. While the quality of the information is first-rate, I wish there were PDF quick start guides or summaries for those who prefer to learn by reading. That said, written materials take a lot longer to create than a "how to," on-the-spot video tutorials. So there is a trade-off, with the videos coming out in front because of both lucidity, and the ability to stock the club with more information, quicker.

Once you start putting in your $97.00 each month, you are motivated to get that money back. Happily, there are a load of tools and techniques inside the club to make that happen.

In fact, the simplicity and money-making power of some of the cutting edge techniques is astonishing. It becomes easier to understand how some folks are consistently pulling in shocking sums working an hour or two a day from their home office. You'll realize that although some of the principal ways of taking in a modest extra income via basic affiliate marketing are compelling, the truly big money is accessible mainly through using exact techniques and procedures that the majority of marketers are not keen to divulge.

You might suspect that there would be rivalry between club members working with the same techniques. This is conceivably the greatest strength of the Maverick Money Makers Club. In spite of the array of information, it is easy to comprehend and it's provided in a way that makes for enormous flexibility for individual marketers to go out and productively do their individual thing.

A crucial motivator for owners of membership websites like Maverick Money Makers is creating continuing value so that dropout among members is limited. It is to a great extent easier to keep a satisfied member happy than to bring in a new one.

Not everybody can afford $97.00 a month to start up their Internet marketing vocation. For the ones who can, the initial outlay trepidation will vanish with the first profits paycheck.

For the earnest marketer that just wants more advanced techniques to prosperity, both short and long-term, the Maverick Money Makers Club offers a wonderful level of high quality, constructive, ongoing training to help you make money online fast!

That's all for the moment. Enjoy life!!

Sam D. Mann

Now then, here's a great post for you to read. Submitted by one of my many Guest Authors...


Click Fraud Is Without Question Destructive To The Entire Network Of Adwords

by Benny Winderton

When you are utilizing AdWords or AdSense you need to have heard about an rising scam in the under-belly of the internet referred to as "click fraud". But what exactly is click on fraud and just how is it carried out?

In case you are employing AdWords or AdSense you should have heard about an emerging technique in the underworld of computing referred to as "click fraud". But what is click fraud and just how is it executed?

AdSense uses a payment system that awards some income to a publisher whenever a person clicks the adsense. Thus click fraud is an attempt to get people clicking the advertisements just to be able to make a greater income.

There's folks setting up web sites with the singular purpose of fraudulently earning income via Google adsense . These types of users accomplish scores of clicks through many strategies, some sophisticated and innovative and some rudimentary and straightforward.

Just about the most complex is usually via the use of what are named as "hitbots". These are generally robotic applications who imitate clicking the links in AdSense ad banners (there are many that click the banners as well).

Google's Adsense program's protection plan is certainly not perfect and virtually everyone will find the details of surmounting the protection mechanism, ironically just by doing a Google search.

Yet another, even more rudimentary way is to hire many people in a poor country to click on ads on your website. This means these individuals will in reality sit all day long and just click on links so you can gain a fortune. They come from quite poor locations such as Asia, and they're well prepared to do so for just $.50 an hour.

Of course, there's a downside to this procedure. Once Google gets a large number of clicks from a single IP address, the address and the web site that had the Ad-sense banner will probably be banned, and also illegal behavior might get the fraudster charged.

In order to stop this from occurring, lots of people use many proxy servers for the exact purpose of clicking. They're fundamentally trojans, located on pcs throughout the world (though mainly in America). What's even more daunting is that these types of clicks may appear to originate from an actual computer therefore this kind of scams tend to be very difficult to discover.

And do not think this happens merely in singled out occasions. There is quite a lot of criminal activity in this domain.

In reality there is so much when search engine corporations don't improve their security with these kinds of programs as Ad sense, this kind of legal behavior could become even more damaging.

Google does have a really strict policy in regards to click fraud, and it also has charged those employing these kinds of strategies during the past. But while google tries it's very best to minimize the risk of click fraud there is undoubtedly room for a lot of improvement.

It's estimated that more then 20% of the mouse clicks that follow an AdSense url are just carried out in order to get cash from the guy investing in the advert. Some people think the volume of deceptive clicks are even two times as big.

There are a lot more schemes involving click fraud, such as groups of Ad sense publishers clicking each other's hyperlinks (that is called "clicking rings", or spamming individuals in order that they just click these types of hyperlinks.

Despite Google still holding click fraud on a leash, the trend is heightening headaches for the advertisers on Pay per click, but despite this advertising with Google's AdSense nevertheless remains a lot more worthwhile to the advertiser, rather than traditional untargeted advertising systems.

There are a few means of defense against such schemes and all advertisers ought to be experienced enough to employ them. A lot of advertisers decide to avoid the content network all together because of anxiety of click fraud.

About the Author:


Sam D. Mann here with a Quick Tip Of The Day -
Nothing beats being able to:
1. Determine profitable search terms (Using Buyers keywords).
2. Launch mini sites based on the given keyword phrases.
3. Rank in Google and every one of the other search engines for those keyword phrases.
4. Convert your traffic into revenue.

Every one of the steps listed heretofore is vitally important to doing well on-line and can ultimately determine how much money you'll be able to generate. Understanding and identifying profitable search terms ought to be the starting purpose of your business.

Understand this: People which misunderstand or ignore any of the above points end up annoyed and not bringing in any money. Generally speaking, ignoring those points results in the down fall of countless would-be successful Internet marketers.

Final point. Always ask yourself:
How can I drive traffic in this market?
Will this traffic translate into affiliate sales or AdSense clicks?
What is the value of a conversion? More Tips can be found at Affiliate Marketing Strategies Tips and Tools

SEO Tip Of The Day.

Wordpress & Blogger A blog is a mandatory piece of your online puzzle. Search engines love blogs because they are easy for their spiders to read, they are updated often with content, and are very easy to modify.

My thoughts for today...

Never accept the opinions of others as fact unless you know them for certain.

Another great website for you to check out and browse through some excellent articles on...

Internet Marketing Marketing Strategies Tips And Tools

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